Asking the Sacred “Now what?”

In my line of work, my clients encounter many of the same crossroads. I work primarily with people who are in their late 30s, early 40s and into their 50s, and they’re usually in the season of life where they’ve checked all the boxes. The boxes go something like this: finish college, get married, have kids, maybe get divorced, maybe start a business. Once all the boxes have been checked, many times they sit back and think… 

“I’m so overwhelmed, and yet so bored. What should I do now?”

“I’ve done everything that was expected of me, and I still don’t feel the way I was promised to feel” 

“I’ve checked all the boxes, and this life isn’t actually what I want.” 

There is this overarching feeling of somehow they did it wrong, and that maybe there’s something wrong with them. There are all these feelings that might be flooding them: failure, overwhelm, dullness. 

I’ve come...

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The Key to Solving Confusion

Have you ever said, “I'm just so confused”?

When I speak with new clients, I typically hear a lot of the same issues. One is, “I'm just so confused. I don't know which way to go”. They also come with phrases like, “I just wish I had a crystal ball. I wish I knew which way to go. I wish I had more clarity”. But here’s the thing: before you gain clarity, you have to do something else first.

The secret to unlocking that clarity lies in another word: confusion. What?! How?! Well, keep reading. 

Inside my group program, the Inner Circle, the topic we are talking about right now is clarity. And here's the really awesome/terrible news: clarity begins with confusion. 

Let me give you a metaphor for this:

I was a massage therapist for a dozen years. I had a lot of people that would come in with back pain. They would point to all their painful spots and would say, “it hurts here”. And I would say “Ok. But I'm...

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