The Updated Leadership Podcast

The Updated Leadership Podcast

Hosted by: Heidi Metro

A show that is equal parts philosophy, physiology and strategy. So you can ditch outdated models of leadership and actually lead like a grown up. 🟢 Available on SPOTIFY!


Episode 1: What is Updated Leadership?

Season #1

Welcome to the first episode of The Updated Leadership Podcast! I dedicate this episode to those of you who are cycle breakers, the ones who question why we do the things the way we do, the ones who challenge the...
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Episode 2: You Think Too Much

Season #1

Have you ever been told, “You think too much!” If so, this episode is my love letter to you and also to myself. I have been told over the course of my life to stop thinking too much because others were trying to...
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Episode 3: You're Out Of Order

Season #1

Are you sick and tired of having the same argument with your partner, kids, family members, in-laws, or co-workers? In this episode, we’re going to be talking about two different concepts; result and connection. What...
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Episode 4: Assessment Overload!

Season #1

Are you an assessment fanatic like me?! If you know your Clifton Strengths, your Enneagram and your Myers Briggs, but have no idea what to do with all this information, then this episode is for you. An assessment can...
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Episode 5: Zoomed Out

Season #1

Are you so sick and freakin’ tired of being on Zoom calls and having back-to-back meetings and feeling like you can never take a freaking break? I have a solution for you! And it has everything to do with the Hubble...
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Episode 6: The "To Done" List

Season #1

I have a tool that’s going to change your life. This tool that I'm going to teach you is going to help you navigate the breakneck pace of your never ending to do list. The to-do list is outdated bullshit leadership. I...
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BONUS: The Salad Episode

Season #1

“Leave it at the door.” How many times have you heard that phrase? I've been told this in jobs that I've had in the past, and it's something that I hear from high achieving women in C-Suite leadership positions. They...
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